Our vision for youth ministry at Prince of Peace is to foster a community where all youth experience God’s unconditional love for them, as they learn how to become disciples of Jesus’ grace and peace. To this end, we desire for our youth to connect in meaningful ways with Prince of Peace’s overall congregational life, including worship and music, fellowship, service-learning, and local and global ministries. Above all, we believe that our youth bless God’s Church and world through their gifts and passions.

Sunday School 

Age 3 through 5th grade



Our Sunday School curriculum for age 3 - 4 year olds is based on Spark: Activate Faith, a Bible-based curriculum published by Augsburg Fortress, the official publishing house of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Sunday School for our youngest children is about getting our young children excited about God’s word. The children learn Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments through games, art, music and science.


Sunday School classes Kindergarten through 5 utilize Augsburg’s Whirl Lectionary curriculum. These students read Bible lessons based on the Revised Common Lectionary, hence they are studying the same lessons as are read during worship. Each week they will do studies and activities that relate to the Gospel lesson for that week.

The Gospel lessons for each week of Sunday School (and worship) can be found here. Check what lesson your child will be learning each Sunday morning in their classrooms and have wonderful conversations with your child as they grow in their faith and knowledge.


We plan programs and activities for Sunday School and VBS. If you are available to help with Sunday School or VBS, or if you have questions, please contact Sue Miller, Sunday School Program Director.
Fun and fellowship for our 3rd - 5th graders

Friends are always welcome!
Contact Kaley O'Donnell for details.

Sunday School Choir

Open to grades 2-5. Meets on Sunday mornings at 9 am at the beginning of each Sunday School hour, during the school year. Jamie Blair leads our Children's Choir.

Sunday School Choir offers a warm, welcoming environment for students to explore their unique musical and artistic talents, to grow in faith, to experience meaningful traditions of the church, and to offer their gifts in worship and praise! The children sing regularly at the 9 am worship service.


GRADES 6, 7, 8 

Confirmation is a program designed for children grades 6 - 8 in Middle School and is an opportunity for these young people to grow in their faith and to put into practice the promises that were given to them at baptism.

If you would like to enroll your child in our Confirmation program, please contact Pastor Tim Wrenn.

We meet every Monday at 6 pm. We gather with a meal together and then hold class from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.

Our 8th graders will be confirmed on Pentecost Sunday, May 19 at 10:30 am.

Middle School Youth Group

We have planned fellowship activities for our middle school-aged youth (grades 6-8) to gather, relax and have fun outside of Confirmation classes.

Friends are always welcome!
Contact Kaley O'Donnell or  Pastor Tim Wrenn for details.

Senior High Youth

During the school year, our senior high youth grades 9 - 12 meet for Sunday School every week at 9 am in room 205 upstairs. The class is led by Kaley O'Donnell.

Our senior high youth also meet on the 2nd Sunday of every month from 6 pm until 8 pm in the Fellowship Hall during the school year. This is a time for discussion and fellowship. All high school students grade 9-12 are welcome. Friends are always welcome as well! 

Friends are always welcome!

Contact Kaley O'Donnell or  Pastor Tim Wrenn for details.

Senior High Upcoming 2023 Activities:

Contact Kaley O'Donnell or  Pastor Tim Wrenn for details.

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